Why do some antivirus programs prevent Open Road from working properly?

Why do some antivirus programs prevent Open Road from working properly? #

We are working with security software vendors such as AVG, Avast, BitDefender, Kaspersky, Norton, and McAfee to make sure that Open Road is running smoothly on your computer. 


Keeping a computer 100% safe is very difficult. That is why antivirus and security software vendors rather want to be safe than sorry. That means that sometimes they wrongly categorize safe software as unsafe. This is called a false positive. If Open Road has wrongly been categorized as unsafe, you can read in the following why this happens and what you can do about it. 

Installation and updates #

Open Road automatically installs the prerequisites needed during the installation. Every time you are using Open Road, it checks for updates. If there is an update available, it is downloaded in the background. 


Some antivirus software does not like Open Road downloads and install prerequisites or new updates. They see the download as a potential threat, so they categorize Open Road as unsafe. If this happens, please get in touch with us.


Saving photos #

Open Road lets members take photos during their rides and saves the photos on the hard drive. Some antivirus software vendors are worried that the photo contains a virus and prevents Open Road from saving to the Documents library. If this happens, please get in touch with us.

What to do about it #

Test Open Road on VirusTotal #

If you are worried that Open Road is unsafe, you can check it on VirusTotal. VirusTotal is owned by Google with the purpose of keeping computers safe.

Add Open Road to the safe list #

Some antivirus applications allow you to add a program to the safe list. This means the antivirus program will let that specific program do its job without interfering. It varies how this is done. A good security company has the resources to help you. The best thing you can do is to contact the support of your antivirus company and have them assist you in adding Open Road to the ‘safe list’.

Turn the antivirus off during installation #

You can use Google’s VirusTotal to check if your security software is wrongly labeling Open Road as unsafe. 

If your security software is wrong, you can turn it off while you are installing Open Road. Please contact us as well. We will contact your security software vendor and have them add Open Road to their safe list.

Contact us with the name of the antivirus #

The best thing you can do is to get in touch with us with a description of what goes wrong. Based on that description, we can contact the security software vendor and have Open Road permanently added to their safe list.

Install the prerequisites yourself #

If your security software does not like that Open Road downloads and installs the prerequisites for you, you can download and install them yourself. One needs the LAV filter and the 2013 C++ Redistributable x86 to make Open Road work:


The LAV filter is one of the most popular video filters available and can be downloaded from here.


The 2013 C++ Redistributable x86 is pre-installed on most PCs, but sometimes, it is not. If the C++ Redistributable isn’t already installed, you can download it from here.